In a highly competitive market, regardless of the sector in which it operates, managing the quality and respective image of each brand is fundamental to the success of the organization, first and foremost, among its customers, as well as, and last but not least, its stakeholders. Whether due to reduced product life cycles or the most varied legal requirements to which production and commercial operations are subject, it is crucial to create procedures and automation that protect and safeguard the interests and respective operations of organizations.
Through product inspections, as well as management and control of the quantity of merchandise by sampling or otherwise, GlowCounting supports organizations in the three major sectors of activity in the economy – primary, manufacturing and services – to solve these daily challenges that companies face. operations are subject, even more so in a context in which commodity transactions are assumed to be the engine of the economy itself.
Glowcounting carries out quality checks on goods before, during and after production at origin, with a view to certifying the quality of the raw material, the processed product, labelling, packaging and presentation of the product, always taking into account consideration of customer specifications.
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